Wednesday 18 February 2015


Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:


Nowadays, lots of people ........................ (use) the Internet, or the Net, as it .................... (call). They use it as an encyclopaedia for information as well as for communication. In 1969, when the Net ....................... (invent), it had a more limited purpose. The American Defence Department .......................... (create) it as a way of ...................... (pass) secret information . On many occasions, secret information ........................ (have to/ pass) to other departments. It ........................ (not can / send) by radio or telephone because these methods ........................ (not consider) safe. The Net solved the problem. Its popularity as a means of communications spread quickly. At this moment, millions of e-mail messages .......................... (send) by businesses or private individuals all over the world. Many believe that, in the future, letter writing and telephones .......................... (replace) entirely by e-mail.

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